Thursday, April 29, 2010

Funny talk

Søren has been saying some funny/cute things lately. Here are a few examples.

Mom: Søren do you want to pray for dinner
Søren: Dear God, thank you food, Amen.

Søren riding his bike in the house says: Bye Bye Momma
Mom: Where are you going?
Søren: Finn's house!

Dad was putting Søren's PJ's on him. The PJ's are a silly camping theme with pictures of animals camping and hunting.
Dad: Look Søren a moose is hunting with a bow. Do you like to hunt too?
Søren: YEAH!
Dad: What do you like to hunt?

Søren was singing "Jesus Loves Me." I joined in with him. When we got to the line "We are weak, but He is strong," I left out the word strong so Søren could fill in the blank. He instead said "hungry!"

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

i heart faces: smile

This weeks i heart faces challenge is all about smiles.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Boy Room

A Transportation Room for a boy whose favorite jammies are the "Car Jammies."


I love the wall stickers

night light and bean bag

Not the greatest picture of the pictures Søren painted

We have successfully transferred Søren to his new room. We thought we had accomplished this the end of February, but we had a bit of a set-back. Søren fell out of his bed twice and he decided he was going back to the crib. I couldn't find rails for the type of bed he had, so we gave him some more time in his crib while we prepped his new room a bit more. The mattress is now on the floor and he is loving his new found freedom. With this transition came a fear of going to sleep in the dark. We leave a light on for him and allow him to read books until he falls asleep. He has done a great job staying in bed. I have always appreciated that Søren has never been the type of kid to really get into things. Some have asked for pics of his new room, so here are some. Thank you to Target for making it easy and cheap to decorate. :)

Friday, April 16, 2010


Tuesdays and Fridays are exciting days in the Bergstrom household. Why? We get our Smith Brothers Farms milk delivery on Tuesday and now our Terra Organics fruit and vegetable delivery on Fridays. Søren loves checking the milk box and helps carry in his favorite, chocolate milk. I wanted to begin the fruit and veggie delivery because I wanted to know where my produce was coming from and to challenge myself when it comes to eating. I want to be more healthy as well as learn how to cook with food I'm not as familiar with. For instance, our last box contained Rainbow Kale. I had always heard about kale, but never cooked it, let alone even tried to eat it. I found a recipe for spicy kale and tried it out. I can't say I'm a fan. It has a real bitter taste to it. But now I know. Each box comes with a newsletter that tells where each item came from along with different recipes and storage tips. I love it because not only do I know that I am getting good products for a good price, but it's now one less thing I have to worry about.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Preschool? Really? Is my little guy really old enough for preschool? Ok, so it's not really a preschool, but more of a pre-preschool. But still, isn't he supposed to stay home with his mommy forever? :) I put the application in the mail today. I'm partly excited and partly sad. I get so excited when Søren learns something new, but I know I can only teach him so much. I can't wait to hear about all he is learning in his new class which will start in the fall. I know he will do a great job and I have a feeling he'll be the type of kid that actually likes school. It makes me a bit sad because I know it means he's growing up. Can't I keep him this little forever?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Greek Easter Bread

I made my first loaf of bread, from scratch, for Easter. This is definitely one of those foods that I have always been intimated to try for some reason. I chose the perfect recipe to face my fears. Greek Easter Bread just looked delicious and beautiful and it was given 5 stars in it's reviews. I now know why no really makes bread anymore, or at least very often. It is time consuming! From start to finish it took me 4 hours. It wasn't difficult at all, I just had to make sure I was around the house for all the steps of rising, kneading, rising, braiding, rising and baking. The result? Perfection. Soft on the inside, crusty on the outside. I don't think it could have turned out any better. It was a hit Easter Sunday and there is still enough left over for breakfast. If you have wanted to try to make your own bread, but are like me. Start with this recipe. You'll do great!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter '10

Mom isn't as exciting to get a picture with.

Lots of sweets for mom and dad, er, for Søren to eat.

He didn't keep the "monkey suit" on too long.

Lots of goodies in the Easter Baskets.

We had a fairly laid back attitude towards Easter this year. No rush to the mall to meet the Easter Bunny and no stressing over what would go in the Easter baskets. We did attempt to participate in our city's Easter festivities for the kids on Saturday, but our easy going spirit got us there when things seemed to be wrapping up. We were told the Easter Bunny was in the tent on the field. What we found was a tent filled with plastic bins and the Bunny's head on a chair. Maybe it was better Søren didn't see the Easter Bunny, especially after last year. The Easter Egg hunt consisted of an 8ft x 8ft space of eggs where Søren could only pick six. The eggs at least contained Søren's favorite candy, Smarties, or "farties" as he calls them.
Sam played in all three church services on Sunday morning and we had lunch at his parents with a handful of extended relatives. We sent Tyler and Jen out to hide some Easter Eggs, only to have it rain. We waited for a break in the weather and made a go of it. I think this will have been the easiest hunt for Søren ever. He had 6+ adults helping him.
As laid back as it was we had a great holiday. I find myself each year being more thankful for the people I spend the holiday's with than what we actually do.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

City on Stilts

With babies due in May and July, new jobs starting and a busy school schedule, the Johnson family summer family vacation was looking as if it were not going to happen. So, we made it happen. Where could we go that it would be warm in March, yet central to everyone flying from Seattle and NYC. Somehow we came up with Galveston, TX. It was a bit of a gamble because the city was pretty much wiped out from Hurricane Ike in 2008. We didn't know if we would come upon a dead city or one that was rebuilt. We found both. Except for being 30-40 minutes from anything, we had such a great time. The sun shone each day and the warmth was there. Our rented house was a stones throw from the beach and fit all 10 of us comfortably. OH! We discovered that they sell Graeter's Ice Cream at Krogers in TX. We of course bought some. :) I treasure each moment I have with my family, whether its watching Planet Earth or having good conversations. I am so thankful for the way my family interacts with Søren. I love that he learns new things from more people than just Sam and I.