Wednesday, October 27, 2010

3 months

Not much to report on for Eva's monthly update. She's a little heavier and is awake more often for longer periods of time. She was sleeping through the night for a few weeks and is now up again for a 4am feeding. She is getting better about laying down by herself when she is awake and doesn't mind as much being held while the person holding her is sitting down. Basically for the last 3 months she wants you to stand and hold her, facing out, or else she isn't happy. I bought her a play gym Monday and she loves it! Sam asked why we didn't get her one earlier. I am wondering the same thing. She's been to San Diego and last weekend took her first, of many I'm sure, trips to Cincinnati.


SARA Z said...

she is so freakin cute!

heidik said...

3 months is that 'golden mark' when everything starts to get better and the world looks a little brighter. :) She is beautiful! Can't wait to see her again soon!