Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hunka Chunka Chewy

Yesterday was the first time I really let Søren help me in the kitchen. It's taken me this long because I've been too paranoid he'll fall of the counter or grab a knife. I prepared things as best I could, meaning that I moved all sharp objects out of the way and got all ingredients out first, so I wouldn't be running around the kitchen. I told myself I wouldn't worry about the mess or care if he ate some chocolate chips. I put on my apron, and he too wanted to wear one. (I only have a little girly apron, I think I'll have to make him a masculine one.) We had so much fun! I'll have to do this with him more often, for sure. We made the "Hunka Chunka Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies" from the cookbook Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey Treats for Kids.


Sarah said...

SO CUTE! I love it, Linnea...what a fun mommy you are! Your cookies sound delish...

Kate Teodoro said...

Hey Linnea! Thanks for the blog comment! I read your blog religiously and I love seeing what is going on and how Soren is growing up. I love the fact that you let him bake with you! I think that is awesome for kids and a great learning experience for mom's too! Hope all is well.

heidik said...

Okay, Soren looks SO much like you in these pics Linnea! Adorable!

Anonymous said...

Glad you let go it is such a great bonding time! I love to cook with Anders he doesnt stay out of the kitchen if I am baking now and yes he eats the chocolate chips LOTS of cute!
