With babies due in May and July, new jobs starting and a busy school schedule, the Johnson family summer family vacation was looking as if it were not going to happen. So, we made it happen. Where could we go that it would be warm in March, yet central to everyone flying from Seattle and NYC. Somehow we came up with Galveston, TX. It was a bit of a gamble because the city was pretty much wiped out from Hurricane Ike in 2008. We didn't know if we would come upon a dead city or one that was rebuilt. We found both. Except for being 30-40 minutes from anything, we had such a great time. The sun shone each day and the warmth was there. Our rented house was a stones throw from the beach and fit all 10 of us comfortably. OH! We discovered that they sell Graeter's Ice Cream at Krogers in TX. We of course bought some. :) I treasure each moment I have with my family, whether its watching Planet Earth or having good conversations. I am so thankful for the way my family interacts with Søren. I love that he learns new things from more people than just Sam and I.
Linnea, what fun we had. miss you three.
Linnea! I love reading about you and your growing family! So sweet! Soren is a love! I hope you all had a great vacation!
Love, Kris
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