Saturday, November 20, 2010

4 months

Here's what's gone on in Eva's little life the last month.

*She will always greet you with a smile
*Eva belly laughed for the first time. Which we got on video! We thought she was laughing at Soren and our neighbors dog running around. But we think she is just laughing at Sara. :)
*Her cold got much worse, kept her up at night and was put on anti-biotics. That took care of it for a few days and now she's right back where she was. (minus the not sleeping part)
*Can sit in her Bumbo seat without completely falling over
*Loves to watch what is going on and we think she will always need to be the center of attention
*Drools A LOT!
*Is probably about 14lbs
*Started sleeping in her room

Friday, November 19, 2010

project 365

Even though I have a passion for photography, I don't use my camera every single day. I came across project365 a while ago and attempted it, but found it more difficult than I expected to take just one picture a day. So, I gave up. Then I came across the iPhone ap for project365. I always have my phone with me and it's not so much work to take it out and take a photo. And there is no pressure to get the picture perfect, no manual mode on an iPhone, you get what you get. I have done a great job of taking a photo everyday since October 9th. It's a snap shot of the little things in each day that I want to remember. You can view my project if you are interested

I need to do a better job of putting captions with each picture. I can't wait until a year from now to look back on all of the photos.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fa La La La La La La La La

The holidays are here! We had our first Thanksgiving dinner Friday night. A friend wanted to practice all of the cooking and timing of everything, but needed someone to eat all the food. We of course were willing volunteers. It was SO good. The stuffing was my favorite part. Each year I get more and more excited about the holidays. This is what I love...

*I love and am thankful for my families and there never seems to be any of the infamous drama that so many talk about.

*The red cups at Starbucks with either a pumpkin Spice Latte or Peppermint White mocha inside.

*Amy Grant's 1983 and Michael W. Smith's 1989 Christmas albums will be playing loudly throughout our house this year. He and a 60 piece orchestra are coming to WA this Christmas. I would LOVE to go, I know Sam won't go. So, who wants to come with me? (I actually can't go, but it would be great!)

*Going up in the snow covered mountains, hiking around to look for a Christmas tree (we won't get a 15 ft tree this year), sitting around the fire (I won't melt my boots this year), while eating Hockey Pucks.

*Kids singing Christmas songs (can't wait for Soren's Christmas play this year)

*Driving up to a house and seeing smoke billowing out of their chimney knowing there is a warm fire inside.

*The snow and the quiet that seems to fall with it.

*Experiencing it all through the eyes of a child.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


With the rainy weather and it getting darker earlier, we've been making a lot of forts.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"that's silly"

I just love this boy.

He says the funniest things for a 2 and a half year old.
*referring to Yankee Doodle "macaroni in his hat, that's silly"
*he told me i needed a "time out"
*referring to his nipples "when I touch these it makes me tickle"
*while pretend talking on the phone "..what's your stinkin' problem"
*sitting between his grandmas he realized "I have two ga-ga's!"
*when explaining something to him "ok, that makes sense"
*asking him to tell me the story of creation, his response, "God bless America and the whole world."

looking at a snail

love the hipstomatic ap for iPhone

Monday, November 1, 2010

a bug and a super hero

No tricks and not many treats this year, but it was a good Halloween nonetheless.